Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ten Years?!

So my ten year high school reunion was this past weekend. I still can't believe it's been that long sometimes. Other times it seems like a lifetime ago. Gosh what an interesting experience *that* was. I went by myself and was a little nervous about that but it ended up being great. I met up with several old friends, some there with their significant others and some there solo. I had some wine and the food was good and it was in general a positive experience. There was one odd moment that stood out as an amusing story worth sharing…

I was chatting with some friends and this guy came up to me. I knew who he was when we were in high school but I don’t know that we ever exchanged a word with one another as we were in very different circles. Anyway he came up to me and said “I always wanted to ask you out when we were in high school but I was shy”. Yeah, right. So I politely asked him what he was up to these days. He replied that he was still in the town where we attended high school and “working the system” ie, he’d been on unemployment for the last three years, but that he had a lucrative side business as a drug dealer. I replied that I am in San Diego, an engineer, and that I have a five year old, am on the PTA, and sing in the choir at church. I guess I thought that would deter him but alas it didn’t. I did politely extricate myself from that conversation as quickly as possible without seeming too rude. Another person mentioned during dinner that one of our classmates had a huge crush on me throughout all of high school and I was floored. The person in question was a friend of mine and I never had any clue that this was the case. He didn’t attend the reunion, however, and I haven’t spoken with him in probably eight years as we lost touch at some point during college. I was extremely surprised, though; I didn’t think I was that clueless in high school but maybe I was after all.

It was really interesting to see how much (or little) people can change in ten years. There were several people there who looked no different from our high school days and there were others who were dramatically different. I had a fabulous time catching up with old friends but really shouldn’t have stayed up until 2am doing so. Sunday I met up with a handful of friends for lunch before heading back home.

Well, I started writing this entry earlier in the week but haven’t had much spare time to finish it up. It’s Thursday now and I’ve come down with my first head cold of the season and a fairly bad one. I guess I’ll be skipping choir tonight and hoping to get some sleep. Trick-or-treating was fun on Tuesday. Luke was a pirate. We went with two of his friends, one of whom was another pirate and the other was a builder (NOT Bob the builder, as he adamantly pointed out throughout the evening). I’d post pictures but I just don’t have the motivation to pull them off my camera. Another day, perhaps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you had a great time at your high school reunion. I hope you start feeling better soon~ {{{HUGS}}}

7:06 PM  
Blogger Christine S said...

I went to my 10 year high school reunion in February and it was fun! Interesting at the same time. Like you said, some people looked exactly the same and others had really changed. I'm glad you had fun! Feel better soon...all my colds are head colds now and Advil Cold & Sinus is the only thing that gets me through.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Stitcher S said...

Glad you had a good time.

My 20 year one was really wacky, and some had changed so completely while one or two looked almost the same.

Hope you're feeling better!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

My 25th reunion was 2 years ago! I wasn't able to attend (it was in Australia), but I heard from someone who apparently had a crush on me back then (I had no idea); we've kept in touch via e-mail since then...

I'm hoping to go to my 30th in 3 years!

2:45 PM  

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